Courses & Tuition
Ask about using the ISA option to pay. We are here to help.
To learn about the ISA click HERE!
Bather & Grooming Assistant - 200 hours - $1800 *
Course 1 Outline – The Bather & Groomer Assistant is an important position in every grooming shop. If the bath and drying are not done properly, the groom will suffer. The training bathers receive is critical to their success and to the success of the shop they work in.
In this course, you will learn how to bathe, dry, brush out, de-mat, clean ears, cut nails, express anal glands, brush teeth, properly restrain dogs and cats, pluck, and clean ears. You will learn the different breeds, how to recognize different parasites and skin conditions, and how to relieve them. You will learn basic clipper skills to give rough cuts and pre-bath shave downs. Upon completion of Course 1, you will receive a certificate of completion as a Professional Pet Bather & Groomer Asistant.
*(Once you complete the $150 Application Fee you will be redirected to the enrollment form)
Professional Pet Groomer – 640 hours - $6000 *
Course 2 Outline – After completing 200 hrs as a bather and groomer assistant you are ready to complete your training as a pet groomer (additional 440 hrs.). You will learn time management to get your schedule completed, learn how to manage the “difficult to groom” dogs, basic skills to give rough cuts, and pre-bath shave downs. You will now learn specific breed patterns as well as the simple puppy cut, and finish the faces as per the customer’s request.
Upon completion of Course 2, you will receive a certificate of completion of a Professional Pet Groomer. Breakdown of hours and fees are as follows: 640 Total Hours = $6000
*(Once you complete the $250 Application Fee you will be redirected to the enrollment form)
Make Payments
The Application Fee $150 for Bather Program is due at the time of enrollment (details below).
*(Once you complete the $150 Application Fee you will be redirected to the enrollment form)
The Application Fee $250 for the Groomer Program is due at the time of enrollment (details below).
*(Once you complete the $250 Application Fee you will be redirected to the enrollment form)
Lab Fees – The Bather Lab Fee is $200 Fees are due at the time of enrollment (details below).
Lab Fees – Groomer Course Lab Fee is $400 Fees are due at the time of enrollment (details below).
The required Books Fee of $300 is required for both Course 1 and Course 2 and is due the first day of class.
Grooming Tools –
Bather Program – A loaner clipper will be provided with an option to buy.
Groomer Program – The required Grooming Kit is to be purchased either on the first day of class, or you may purchase now for $875 (details below).
Bather & Groomer Assistant Program
Three options for payment of tuition:
What is an ISA or Income Share Agreement
An ISA enables you to fund your education with an agreement between you and LIGA that allows you to attend school without paying any tuition upfront.
An Income Share Agreement ensures you will get the return on your investment enrolling as a student in the LIGA program. Student loans have now become one of the most burdensome debts in America. At LIGA, our goal is to first give you the training you need so you will get the career you want, without the financial burden of a loan.
An ISA allows you to concentrate on learning and developing your skills without the stress of trying to pay for school before you even have a job. Once you graduate, get a job, and are earning above a minimum income (about $25,000/yr) you then begin to pay 8.5% of your income for 12 months, with a cap of 2,880. Plain and simple. No early prepayment penalty and job placement assistance is provided.
What makes this so special is we only get paid when you do. It’s essentially putting all the risk on us. We believe so strongly in the programs that we teach and the job demand in our field that we take the risk for you. How’s that for confidence.
Professional Pet Groomer Program
Four options for payment of tuition:
What is an ISA or Income Share Agreement
An ISA enables you to fund your education with an agreement between you and LIGA that allows you to attend school without paying any tuition upfront.
An Income Share Agreement ensures you will get the return on your investment enrolling as a student in the LIGA program. Student loans have now become one of the most burdensome debts in America. At LIGA, our goal is to first give you the training you need so you will get the career you want, without the financial burden of a loan.
An ISA allows you to concentrate on learning and developing your skills without the stress of trying to pay for school before you even have a job. Once you graduate, get a job, and are earning above a minimum income (about $25,000/yr) you then begin to pay 9.75% of your income for 36 months, with a cap of 10,840. Plain and simple. No early prepayment penalty and job placement assistance is provided.
What makes this so special is we only get paid when you do. It’s essentially putting all the risk on us. We believe so strongly in the programs that we teach and the job demand in our field that we take the risk for you. How’s that for confidence.
4. Installment Plan
Installment Amount | $1,693.75 |
Interval | every month |
Installments | 4 |
Total Due | $6,775.00 |
First Installment Due | 14 days after signup |
What is Included in Equipment Fee?
Andis 2 Speed AGC2 UltraEdge Detachable Blade Clipper
Wahl Stainless Steel Comb Set
Mat Buster 10 blade
8″ Greyhound Style Comb-Long Pin-Coarse/Fine
Poodle Comb
Undercoat Shedding Rake-Double Row
Curved Slicker Brush-Small
Universal Slicker Brush Large Brush
ZoomGroom Brush
Large Orange Handle Nail Clipper
Small Pet Nail Clipper
Hair Puller Curved W/Coated Handle Hemostat
Geib Buttercut Blade #10
Geib Buttercut Blade #15
Geib Buttercut Blade #30
Geib Buttercut Blade #4F
Geib Buttercut Blade #5F
Geib Buttercut Blade #7F
3 3/4 blade
Andis Tool Tote Bag