What Is An ISA

How To Use The ISA - Income Share Agreement

Leif Income Shared Agreement


An Income Share Agreement ensures you will get the return on your investment enrolling as a student in the LIGA program. Student loans have now become one of the most burdensome debts in America. At LIGA, our goal is to first give you the training you need so you will get the career you want, without the financial burden of a loan.

An ISA enables you to fund your education with an agreement between you and LIGA that allows you to attend school without paying any tuition upfront. This allows you to concentrate on learning and developing your skills without the stress of trying to pay for school before you even have a job. Plain and simple. No early prepayment penalty and job placement assistance is provided.

What makes this so special is we only get paid when you do. It’s essentially putting all the risk on us. We believe so strongly in the programs that we teach and the job demand in our field that we take the risk for you. How’s that for confidence.

The Bather & Groomer Assistant Program ISA Option

Once you graduate, get a job, and are earning above a minimum income (about  $25,000/yr, you then begin to pay 8.5% of your income for 12 months, with a cap of  $2,880.

Apply for the ISA to enroll in the LIGA Bather & Groomer Assistant Program Click Here


The Professional Pet Groomer Program ISA Option

Once you graduate, get a job, and are earning above a minimum income (about  $25,000/yr, you then begin to pay  9.75% of your income for 36 months with a cap of $10,840.

Apply for the ISA to enroll in the LIGA Professional Pet Groomer Program Click Here


Learn More About LIGA’s – Income Share Agreement